
What you’ll learn
* Configure and run Apache Kafka Source and Sink Connectors
* Learn concepts behind Kafka Connect & the Kafka Connect architecture
* Launch a Kafka Connect Cluster using Docker Compose
* Deploy Kafka Connectors in Standalone and Distributed Mode
* Write your own Kafka Connector
* Good understanding of Kafka Basic is REQUIRED to take this video
* A recent Windows / Mac / Linux machine with minimum 4GB of RAM, 5 GB of disk space
* Good to have knowledge about Linux command line
* Good to have knowledge about Docker
* A note book and pen is recommended to take notes during the entire video
A Comprehensive and Brand New Course for Learning Apache Kafka Connect Framework with Hands-on Training – (Launched in April 2017)
Kafka Connect is a tool for scalable and reliable streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems. Apache Kafka Connect is a common framework for Apache Kafka producers and consumers.
Apache Kafka Connect offers an API, Runtime, and REST Service to enable developers to define connectors that move large data sets into and out of Apache Kafka in real time. It inherits strong concepts such as fault-tolerance and elasticity thanks to being an extension of Apache Kafka. Kafka Connect can ingest entire databases, collect metrics, gather logs from all your application servers into Apache Kafka topics, making the data available for stream processing with low latency.
Kafka Connect standardises integration of other data systems with Apache Kafka, simplifying connector development, deployment, and management.
In this video, we are going to learn the Kafka Connector deployment, configuration and management with hands-on exercises. We are also going to see the distributed and standalone modes to scale up to a large, centrally managed service supporting an entire organisation or scale down to development, testing, and small production deployments. The REST interface to submit and manage connectors to your Kafka Connect cluster via an easy to use REST API’s.
Viewers Loved this video – Viewers have rated the video with 5 stars…!!
Tin Pavlinic says “This video is an excellent resource for those getting started with Apache Kafka-Connect. Stephane explains concepts very clearly and provides plenty of practical examples. The setup is easy. You can follow the examples along on your own machine, and then experiment further. I highly recommend this Apache Kafka video.” ★★★★★
Alan V says “This video is GREAT: 1. The teacher provides clear explanations of the role to Kafka Connector in Kafka Streaming Solution architecture. 2. The video uses docker-compose.yml to help learners quick build a practice environment. 3. The video is well organized and easy to understand the idea, behind Kafka Connector. The teacher guides you how to use the tool step by step. 4. The provided shell commands are all well commented and steps by steps to guide users. If you read the
comments in the shell script files after the video, it will remind you what the teacher just taught in the videos. 5. The teacher is very responsible to learners’ questions and very helpful. If you are a professional developer, I highly recommend you to attend this video.” ★★★★★
Sagar Joshi says “It was very engaging and interesting video. I recommend taking this Apache Kafka video. Stephane has provided all the required details and its really a hands-on training video. Thank you..!!” ★★★★★
Why I should take this video?
* My aim is to make you confident to work with Apache Kafka Connector as soon as possible by providing a hands-on training, source data from Twitter and sinking it directly into ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL database
* In this video, you will learn what is Kafka Connect, Kafka Connect architecture, how to deploy an Apache Kafka Connector in standalone and in distributed mode, how to setup and launch Kafka Connect Cluster using Docker compose
* You will be able to Deploy Kafka Connect Source Connectors and Kafka Connect Sink Connectors
* You have strong support from the instructor, I am very happy to answer all your questions and queries inside the video Q&A sections
* You have life-time access to this video and a 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this video
Overview of the Course Contents –
Section 1 – Course Introduction: In this section, we are going to see the required pre-requisites for this video and for Apache Kafka Connect. We are also going to talk about the objectives and the structure of the video.
Section 2 – Apache Kafka Connect Concepts: In this section, we will learn about what is Kafka Connect, Apache Kafka Connect architecture, we will talk about Connectors, Configuration, Tasks, Workers. We are also going to learn the difference between the standalone vs distributed mode of the Kafka Connect.
Section 3 – Setup and Launch Kafka Connect Cluster: In this sections, we will learn how to install Docker on your machine and get started with Apache Kafka Connect in the simplest way possible using Docker Compose.
Section 4 – Apache Kafka Connect Data Source – Hands-on: In this section, we will gain some practical experience on Kafka Connect Data Source. We will learn the Kafka Connect Data Source architecture and the list of available connectors. We will have some hands-on practice and learning on File Stream Source Connector both standalone and distributed, and on Twitter Source Connectors…!!!
Section 5 – Apache Kafka Connect Data Sink – Hands-on: In this section, we will gain some practical experience on Kafka Connect Data Sink. We will learn the Kafka Connect Data Sink architecture, Apache Kafka Connect REST API’s and we will have some hands-on practice and learning on Elastic Search Sink Connector and on JDBC Sink Connectors…!!!
Section 6 – Next Steps: In this section, we are going to conclude the video and going to see what is next step you can follow.
You have lifetime access to the video and 30 days’ money back guarantee, so what are you thinking? Click on “Enroll Now” button now and see you inside the video…!!!
Who this video is for:
* Developers who wants to learn Apache Kafka Connect Framework and get hands-on with it
* Professionals who are good at Apache Kafka ecosystem and basic core concepts
* Architects who want to understand how Kafka Connect fits in their Solution Architecture

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