
Explore how to connect to various web APIs using JavaScript fetch. Use the returned data JSON data within your Code.
What you’ll learn

Explore how JavaScript Objects Work
Explore how to get data from JSON
JSON and JavaScript Objects
Connect to APIs to get Data
Use data within coding

JavaScript Experience
HTML and CSS knowledge
Computer access
Web APIs JavaScript Fetch getting JSON data Fun with APIs

Explore how to connect to various web APIs using JavaScript fetch. Use the returned data JSON data within your Code.

Explore JavaScript Objects and how you can get JSON data with an API connection using JavaScript Code

Get data from a web server and use that data within your JavaScript application.

Previous JavaScript knowledge is a prerequisite to this video – YOU MUST HAVE JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCE

video is focused on applying JavaScript to connect to web APIs and get back JSON data

video covers:

What JavaScript objects are and how to use them in code
How to iterate through arrays and objects to get data
Complex JavaScript Objects with many layers of data
JSON lint and how to read JSON data
How to use fetch to connect to web APIs
Various examples of connecting to APIs to create interactive web applications.
Using JavaScript code to connect to web APIs
Setup of localhost using node and express
Using node to make API requests
Setup of local web host
Source code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.

Step by step learning

You have nothing to lose – Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!

Who this video is for:
Web developers
Anyone who wants to learn about APIs
Learners who want to know more about JSON and Data
JavaScript Fetch and connecting to APIs
Web designers
Application Developers

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