
What you’ll learn
* How the web works and how to get started as a web developer
* Learn web development in 100 days (optional – you can also pick a different pace)
* Build websites, web apps and web services (and understand what these “things” are)
* Build frontend user interfaces with HTML, CSS & JavaScript
* Build backend processes with NodeJS, Express & SQL + NoSQL databases
* Add advanced features like user authentication, file upload or database queries to websites
* NO prior web development or programming knowledge is required! We’ll start from scratch!
* You only need a computer or Mac to get started!
You Want To Become A Web Developer?
It will teach you web development and turn you into a web developer in 100 days – or allow you to refresh key essentials and expand your existing knowledge!
Becoming a web developer is a great choice because web development opens up many career paths and web development skills are required in pretty much every business that exists today – and of video this will only increase in the future!
It’s not just about websites – it’s also about “behind the scenes” services used by mobile apps like Uber or AirBnB. It’s about rich web apps like Google Docs as well as browser games. And of video also about regular websites like Facebook, online blogs, online shops like Amazon and much, much more!
Hence it’s no wonder, that web developers are in high demand! And, besides great job perspectives, as a web developer, you can of video also easily build your own digital business!
This Course Is For You!
This video will teach you web development from the ground up and thanks to the “100 Days Of Code Challenge” which is incorporated into this video (though it’s optional to commit to it!), you can become a web developer in 100 days with help of this video!
No prior web development knowledge is required at all to get started with this video. We will explore all important basics, all fundamentals and all key concepts together, step by step.
But this video is also for advanced students who already do have web development knowledge! It’s a deep-dive video and hence you will be able to expand your existing knowledge by diving deeper into key fundamentals like HTML, CSS or NodeJS and also by exploring advanced concepts like handling payments, building REST APIs or website security.
Since it’s a huge video, the video is built in a modular way. This means, that you can take it step by step, lecture by lecture but you can also jump right into the video sections that are most interesting to you. Of video, we recommend the “step-by-step” approach for beginners – simply because all the lectures and sections build up on each other. But as a more experienced developer, you can of video skip basics that aren’t interesting to you!
The 100 Days Of Code Challenge
We built this video with the “100 Days Of Code Challenge” in mind – a challenge (not invented by us) that aims to keep you motivated to code for at least 1 hour per day for 100 days.
Since this is a huge video (with around 80 hours of content!) it can be very overwhelming. And we know that many students never finish a video.
That’s a pitty, because this video is packed with content, exercises, quizzes, assignments and demo projects! We build a browser-game, a blog, a travel website, an online shop and much, much more.
Therefore, we provide clear guidance on how you can take this video from A to Z within 100 days by spending 1 to 2 hours per day watching videos and learning. As part of the video, you get access to a companion website that provides a clear structure and you also find annotations right in the video curriculum.
Of video taking this “100 Days” challenge is totally optional though! You can take the video at your own pace as well and skip any content you’re not interested in!
Try It Risk-Free
This video comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you find out that it’s not for you, you can get your money back, no questions asked!
What You Will Learn
This is a huge video, packed with content and it’s the web development bootcamp we would have loved to have when we learned web development.
Here’s a summary of the key concepts we’ll explore as part of this video:
* How the web works
* Core technologies: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
* Understand how HTML documents are structured and how HTML elements are used correctly
* Learn core CSS concepts like the box model, flexbox, positioning, units and much more
* Explore advanced CSS concepts like building responsive websites, layouts, custom CSS properties, CSS grid & more
* Learn browser-side JavaScript from the ground up
* Understand what the “DOM” is and how you can manipulate it via JavaScript
* Explore browser / user events and how to handle them with JavaScript
* Build tons of projects (e.g. a Tic-Tac-Toe browser game) to practice and fully understand all these technologies
* Dive into backend development with NodeJS & ExpressJS
* Learn what NodeJS is and how it works
* Build basic backend-driven websites with advanced concepts like dynamic routing or dynamic templates
* Learn how to work with databases – SQL & NoSQL (and what that is)
* Practice how to use SQL / NoSQL with NodeJS & Express
* Dive into advanced concepts like authentication, website security, coding patterns, file uploads, user input validation and so much more!
* Again: Build plenty of projects (e.g. a complete online shop, from the ground up!) to practice all advanced concepts as well
* Learn how to use third-party packages and services (e.g. Stripe for payments) in your websites
* Move on to more specialized, advanced concepts like building REST APIs
* Explore frontend JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js to build even more powerful web user interfaces
* And so much more – simply check out the full curriculum to get a complete list!
We’d love to start this journey with you, so let’s get started!
Max & Manuel
* Beginner & advanced web development students
* Viewers who have absolutely no web development experience and want to become web developers
* Experienced web developers who need a comprehensive reference or want to dive into more advanced topics as well as refresh the basics
* All students that are interested in exploring the many video examples and exercises

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